Maintenance of Facility and Staff
We will have a facility that actively engages the Lansing region through its welcoming and inviting nature and its safe and well-maintained condition that is optimized and maximized to serve our Christian mission. We will appropriately staff our church to fulfill our mission as follows:
Regular repair and maintenance of our current facility for internal as well as external groups
Updates Emergency Plans and Annual Practices
Update the facility for a safe and secure environment
Maintain Memorial Garden
Environmentally conscious practices
Updating technology
Maintain and encourage both long term and short-term space usage from the community
Maintain adequate staff levels for maintenance and outsourcing
Maintain an appropriate staff to enable the church to care for the physical building, grounds and office management
Staff Training
Professional Development
Maintain a level of financial integrity
Maintain professional and supportive communication with staff
Maintain professional and supportive communication with the congregation
Encourage open and timely communication with the congregation across as wide a variety of platforms as reasonable
Committees or Leadership Responsible